Overhead Projector Rental
Overhead Projector Rental
We offer two different types of overhead projector rentals for our customers in the Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia regions.
Video Overhead Projector Rental
This type of overhead projector requires a laptop, desktop, dvd player or other source to project the images onto the screen. We have video overhead projector rental options for both small and large events. Give us a call to discuss your plans and we can suggest exactly the right equipment for you. Our phone number is 412-315-8133 or if you’d prefer us to give you a call, you can contact us via email and we will be in touch!
Transparency Overhead Projector Rental
We also offer the classic transparency overhead projector rental option. These are perfect for when you want to display prepared transparencies to a large group without the need for a laptop or any other high tech source. These are as simple and easy as it gets for a large screen display of information.